
MACH Emrys Midnight Gold CD RA
(OFA: Hips Good, vWD DNA Clear by parentage)
(Am/Can Ch Leftbank The Stars At Night CDAm/Can Ch Evanwhits Without A Doubt CDX OA AXP AJP PHC VC)

In her first show in Oct ’99 Peri took Reserve Winners Bitch under a breeder judge. The next day she took Winners Bitch and Best of Winners. She wasn’t shown again until ’02, needing to mature. She placed well in the the Open Bitch class at the ’02 CPWCC specialty and took WB at the all-breed show the day after the specialty. She had 9 pts including one 5 pt major before she unfortunately broke some front incisors and had to be retired from the show ring. Peri earned her CD in 3 times in the ring, and in 2006 earned her Master Agility Championship. She earned her Rally Novice (RN) and Rally Advanced (RA) titles each in 3 tries, with very little Rally-specific training.





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