
Am/Can Ch Arbor Emrys Jaeger Tales CDX PT MX OAJ VCX
27 November 1996 – 8 August 2009

(OFA Good, DNA vWD Clear, Eyes Clear)

(Ch Belroyd Seabird ROMX x Ch Arbor Festinog Idle Gossip ROMX)

Jordan had 9 champion full brothers and sisters from his dam’s only 2 litters. Littermate Gabby (Ch Arbor Just Enuff Chit Chat PT AX MXJ VCX owned by Sue Klar), with Jordan was one of only 2 pairs of littermates that have earned a Versatile Corgi Excellent title. VC and VCX titles only can be earned by titling dogs in several events (conformation, obedience, agility, herding, tracking), showing the dog is able to work in multiple venues.



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